5 minutes T-Logic
With us, you had to wait for impossible things only until now: T-Logic products in 5 minutes

Dear visitor,

Our objective is that you also become a satisfied user of our products - having excellent references - that were developed using not less than 30 years of efforts in order to achieve a faster IT implementation of your requirements.

  1. We started thinking about how we could achieve the objective above.
  2. Suddenly there was a revelation: for this you should get to know our products.
  3. We realized that it's uncertain whether you'd accept our invitation to a 10 days course (with discount!!)
  4. We thought it would convince you if we told the simple truth, so that we compose simple extended sentences using all combinations of the adjectives easy, fast, flexible, efficient, independent, cost-saving, risk-free, secure, auditable, etc. and the nouns business requirements assessment, development, testing, go-live, operations, and we illustrate it with pictures of ladies and gentlemen wearing business casual dress and bending over a monitor in an office background, with a satisfied smile on their faces.
    You can review this in a few minutes.
  5. We found out that you've seen it already and you think it's portable marketing bullshit, so we had a different idea.

Do you have 5 minutes per week?

If yes, we will present you our unique rule evaluation tool T-Logic Central Permissioning Service for SOATM step by step, conceptually and with specific details, but in an entertaining way. In 55x5 minutes we'll surely succeed! We will not edit these 5 minutes on our own, we're sure you'll also help us with your questions and suggestions. You can also try and even modify the exercises shown in the 5 minutes presentations; you'll only need Excel-compatible spreadsheet software for that.

Objective of the first part:

We present the most fundamental differentiating factor of TCPS, namely the fact that all information embedded in rules can be utilized!! We also show you how!

[Picture]Issue #1 - Bloody story
(click here for start!)

Best regards,
T-Logic Kft.
Web: www.t-logic.eu
Email: t-logic@t-logic.hu

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