Our solutions
T-Logic Release Management Tool for SOA (TRMT)
TRMT is a tool for managing application life cycle in a distributed application development environment. By discovering dependencies between components and governing the whole release process it provides visibility and control for developers and IT operations over the applications. Visibility and control lets the IT deliver software on time and on budget with the required functionality. It is mandatory for successful SOA!
T-Logic Monitoring for SOA (TMON)
TMON is an integration log handler tool, that is used for monitoring the status of the business functions and processes, as well as the related subprocesses and components in real time. Real time monitoring and immediate reponses lead to fewer and shorter downtimes, more stable IT systems and eventually business continuity. The solution is applicable in EAI and SOA environments as well.
T−Logic Central Permissioning Service for SOA (TCPS)
TCPS is Business Rule Management System used for managing Business Rules in applications. It is especially useful in process oriented applications and in SOA environment. It is an externalized and centralized service, that makes authorization decisions based on the rules that are stored in it, the parameters that are given to it and the information provided by other external systems to it. This model provides flexibility for the applications, which finally leads to an IT system that truly supports dynamic business. TCPS is a must for successful SOA Process and Frontend integration!
T-Logic's Standard Crediting System (SHR)
SHR enables the setup and continuous tuning of business rules for credit application pre-filtering and the selection of the right financial products in a safe and transparent way, without IT development!