TCPS Trial Versions
In order to try out or present the TCPS environment, T-Logic has created two environments:
a virtual machine which can be copied to your computer, and an online TCPS Trial version.
Both can be used free of charge, but they have – besides the legal limitations – efficiency, quantitative, and usability limitations, too.
TCPS VM Trial, demo virtual machine - download (~1,4GB)
The "TCPS VM Trial" is a virtual machine which can be copied on your computer. Here is the user guide, which can be found also on the virtual machine:
TCPS VM Trial User Guide
As an example, see the TCPS Rule Creation Training Material's sample rule:
TCPS Online Trial, demo environment -
The "TCPS Online Trial” is installed on T-Logic server. The usage is essentially corresponds with the TCPS VM Trial. You must login before using it.
Advantages of the online version: (1) The environment is automatically updated, always the newest version is installed; (2) The user must not understand the operation of the software infrastructure, and (s)he cannot ruin the environment; (3) The T-Logic team can help the user, can look after the log, can search for errors and reproduce them. The disadvantage of the online version is, that there are constraints in the matter of rule names and labeling:
- Label every rule with your User Id! The TCPS online version's own permission rules control the visibility and accessibility of the TCPS rules. A normal user can see and modify only his/her own rules. Your User Id must be present in the rule's Label field; this way the rule will be the „property” of the user. In the online version a rule must have exactly one label. All of the rule entities will inherit this label.
- Append your User Id to the Rule Id! The rule name must be unique in the container. You cannot deploy a rule, which is deployed already by another user. Be careful not using other user's identifier (you will not succeed)!
As an example, see the TCPS Rule Creation Training Material's sample rule:
SMP_CreditReview Online version